Friday, August 27, 2010

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

I bought this book when it first came out. It took me forever to get through. I thought it finally started getting good after two hundred pages. I let my cousin barrow it and recently got it back. I thought it would be a good idea to reread it. And now I can hardly put it down. I don't understand how I found anything about it boring before, It's full of emotion and a quick pace story line that is fairly creative .

The story is about a race called Souls. They are basically parasites that take over their host's bodies. They have been to many planets and have finally came to Earth. The majority of the host's are easy to take over because the first few infected were completely unsuspecting. And also if the personality of the host is incredibly above average and strong, the "soul" will have a harder time taking over. That is the case for the main character. This Soul is called Wanderer, she was specifically chosen for the girl Melanie Stryder who has been on the run for several years and has finally been caught by the "seekers".  Although it is normal for the soul to still have all the host's memories they aren't supposed to be able to hear their host. Wanderer has a difficult time dealing with this. She is supposed to gather information for the seekers because Melanie had been with other uninfected humans. They thought she could help lead them to them. Melanie fights hard she puts up barriers and makes it difficult for Wanderer to get glimpses of her thoughts. She has dreams though, of Melanie's past. This also makes it harder, she starts feeling the emotions Melanie had for the people she was with. And falls in love with them. Leading her on a strange adventure when she makes a sudden decision to go off on a path in Melanie's memories.

The Host is supposed to be more of an Adult book. I don't really see it. The main difference I think from The Host and Twilight is that the emotion the main character feels is realistic. In Twilight it's more like a teenage obsession from Bella toward Edward. 

I recently read that they will be making it into a movie. It will be directed by Andrew Niccol. He co-directed The Road, and basically focuses on sci-fi films. The Road was a really good movie. And was also adapted from a book, I have heard they did a good job. So hopefully this will not bomb or become some crazy over rated teenage girl movie like Twilight. 

Okay first entry.

I have never "blogged" before. Hopefully this will be something that comes naturally to me and doesn't completely bore my followers. So I probably will mainly be talking about movies I've recently seen, books I've recently read, and just random important things I feel should be talked about.